Monday 8 March 2010

Hidden Secrets

When you look at my Craft Fair Stall, there are a few hidden secrets, and I'm going to share one with you all today. One secret to a good stall is to display items at different heights and as can be seen below, this display lifts items of the flat of the table.

I still have a lot of work to do on the front of this display before I'm going to be happy with it, but the real secret is the other side.

I use the underside of the display at the back to store my cash box (unlocked and open so that you can see it), and also my packing supplies as can be seen in these two photos.

Under the table itself is a large box, which hold cardboard jewellery boxes of various sizes (sorry, the photo did not come out).

By having this hidden area at the back of the display, I can keep thing out of sight, such as cups of tea, food, etc. From this partial side view, things can not be seen.

This photo from a recent craft fair, shows the stall and the display, and also it's smaller sister (more hidden secrets under there as well).

Craft Stall Update

Over the last few weeks, I have been working on my stall for craft fairs; I had grown a bit bored with the slate and stone I’d been using.

I had decided I wanted to use more wood in my display, I had been donated a large chunk of root stock from an Apple tree, So my first step was to discard the sections that had root and disease, and then work out just what displays I wanted.

As can be seen in this picture below, these first sections have cuts through the trunk at 45 degrees, each cut was done with a hand saw, and took over 10 minutes of hard sawing, so by alternating the cuts at 90 and 45 degrees, some nice displays were created

Next instead of alternating the cuts, I stayed at 45 degrees and ended up with some large flat ovals (known as oyster cuts), and with the smaller limb sections, I kept the cuts at 90 degrees to the line of the limb, to give me some circular disc shapes

These fit in with the larger oyster cut sections that I've been using for a few years, but cutting these larger sections needs a much bigger saw than I own

I still have a fair amount to do to these new displays, but the theme is slowly coming together. I hope to soon have some more log sections to make some more so that i can replace the non - wood items used to display my work.